Category: Property

Buying Condo in Thailand

Buying Condo in Thailand. Thailand’s captivating beaches, delicious cuisine, and rich culture have long attracted visitors. But for some, the allure extends to setting down roots. One way
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Property Taxes in Thailand

Property Taxes in Thailand. Owning property in Thailand offers a chance to live in a stunning country with a vibrant culture. However, understanding the tax implications is essential
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Servitudes in Thailand

Servitudes in Thailand. When buying property in Thailand, particularly land, encountering the term “servitude” is a possibility. A servitude, also referred to as an easement, is a legal
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Property Market in Thailand

Property Market in Thailand. Thailand’s property market is a thriving, dynamic industry that draws in both domestic and foreign investors looking for profitable ventures. Thailand provides a wide
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Title Search in Thailand

When it comes to real estate transactions, conducting a thorough title search is paramount to ensure secure property ownership. In Thailand, a rapidly developing country known for its
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Property Law in Thailand

Since Thailand’s legal system is based on civil law, as opposed to common law principles, ownership and property rights are governed by a framework of statutes and regulations.
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